Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day?

Happy Valentines Day? Well – this day caught me by surprise – or the feelings of the day I should say.
I got some big days behind me last week, Mary Grace’s due date (Feb. 6th), and my birthday (Feb 8th). The significance of my birthday is that when I found out I was pregnant I was so happy that I would have my 3rd and probably final baby BEFORE I was 38 (had to beat my Mom). I told Chris that I didn’t want to celebrate my birthday and when he asked why and I explained – he said “but you did have Mary Grace before you were 38”. With that, I said – but I do not HAVE her with me! Chris is a person who always looks at the positive and God knows I need him for that – but it was very difficult to have my birthday this year. I ended up having a good day thanks to all my family and friends who went out of their way to make me feel special this year (they always do really).

So I had a sigh of relief that last week was over. Then I woke up this morning and it hit me like a ton of bricks “I do not have one of my “sweet hearts” with me today”. I took a shower (a huge task lately), had to go to Target to get the girls their Valentine’s gift (something I knew I was putting off) and had several emotional moments. The last several days I have not cried and honestly I felt weird about it – maybe I am cried out. But…this morning every thought I had made me cry (so I put the water proof mascara on in preparation). While in Target shopping for the girls for something they would need as well as like, I kept running across baby stuff for baby’s first valentines day and I had to stop and think does anyone around me see the tears, do they know that I should be purchasing some of that stuff – do they know that I am buying for two girls but should be buying for three! Even getting back into my minivan, which should have in it an infant seat, is so hard.

I had to go to Kailey’s school party today which honestly I was dreading, especially with having such a hard morning. But…..Kailey deserves to have her Mommy there so you just do it. God is so good because yes, it was awkward seeing some people for the first time, but it was okay. I know it’s probably just as awkward for them as for me so you just get through it. One Mom however didn’t know I had Mary Grace, didn’t know about any of it – only remembered that I was pregnant with my 3rd. I know how it is when a lot of time has gone by but it doesn’t register to you….so she said so when are you due? (I know what you are thinking – aaahhhh – but it really wasn’t like that, I was bent down helping Kailey with something and she is a precious person.) I told her I already had her and she said wow how is everything, with a beautiful smile? So I just told her about it all. I mean what do you say, how much do you share, where do you begin and end – this was “my first time”. She was shocked and I know felt really bad and that’s when I just try to make the other person okay. The whole situation was overall good, and God helped me get through that whole party without breaking down but….. I am whipped right now.

You know – I have to learn how I will handle these things, what you say when someone asks, “how many children do you have” – I have three but then comes, “how old are they?” - I will have to figure it all out. One thing I know for sure is I want to talk about Mary Grace – I want her to be acknowledged – she is my 3rd baby girl and although she is not physically with me – she is a part of me that I want to share.

I do want you to know that I am doing okay. I am having some good days and getting back into a routine (my “new” normal). I am laughing more and trying to reflect on all the answered prayers that happened with Mary Grace. I told my Dad, I know it’s a choice when I wake up every day whether I am going to let Satan steal my joy or whether I am going to fight to enjoy everything that God has blessed me with, what I still have right in front of me. Some days it’s a harder fight and I get weak but you know that’s just my life now. I have lost one of my sweet hearts and I will never be the same. And if being the same means not having Mary Grace – then I do not want to be the same – she is worth it all – she is worth everything. I gotta figure out what God wants to reveal to me and in me and I do not know when that is going to happen but I will just trust him. I have read a book my Aunt gave me written by Billy Graham’s daughter called “Why? Trusting God when you don’t understand” – perfect huh? And there is one thing I want to share that spoke to me. She writes “ I understand that a turkey and an eagle react differently to the threat of a storm. A turkey reacts by running under the barn, hoping the storm won’t come near. On the other hand, an eagle leaves the security of its nest and spreads its wings to ride the air currents of the approaching storm, knowing they will carry it higher in the sky than it could soar on its own. It’s natural for me to be a turkey in my emotions, but I have chosen to be an eagle in my spirit. And as I have spread my wings of faith to embrace the “Wind,” placing my trust in Jesus and Jesus alone, I have experienced quite “every day” miracles.”

I want so badly to be an eagle – I don’t know when I can be an eagle but that’s what I am praying for. I do know that I will choose to trust him. I choose to trust him because he is trustworthy – He is a God of fulfilled promises, of love, of salvation, of redemption, of miracles, of triumph and victory - victory even over the grave. Anne Graham also writes “When there are no answers to your questions……Trust Him when you don’t understand.
Trust His heart.
Trust His purpose.
Trust Him when it is your heart that’s broken.
Trust His goodness.
Trust Him beyond the grave.
Trust Him to know best.
Trust His plan to be bigger than yours.
Trust Him to keep His Word
Trust Him to be on time.
Trust Him to be enough.
Trust Him to set you free.
Trust Him – and Him Alone.”

I will choose to Trust Him. That’s all a Daughter can do sometimes……….
So, Happy Valentines Day? I choose YES.


Gram said...

my daughter's due date was also feb 6th. we are remembering and loving sydney grace every day even though she isn't with us. i found this valentine and although i wasn't brave enough to share it with my daughter yet i love it and will save it; "even before i held you in my arms, i held you in my heart. that is where you began and where you will always be." i know mary grace will always be in your heart. blessings, j

KYnurse said...

No one expects you to be perfect right now. Living day to day is all you can do. I have a friend that lost a son almost 5 years ago after a premature birth and weeks in the NICU. Not a day goes by that she doesn't remember him. Some days are better than others, around the time of his birth and death and holidays of course. It's just like you said, some days just taking a shower is an accomplishment. I'm continuing to pray for your peace and strength and know you are wrapped in God's loving arms.

Laurie in Ca. said...

Dear Kim,

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary." Isaiah 40:31

I am claiming this scripture for you today sweet friend. Your post today really spoke to my heart and the awkward situation at school really hurt my heart for you as I held my breath reading. You are doing so good Kim, through all of the good and bad days, you are being held by His tender hands. Thank you so much for sharing your heart here and letting us know how you are doing. I pray for you and your family daily and will continue for always. Happy Love Day, belated Birthday, (it matters:) and Love you very much. Mary Grace is thought of every day in my home.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

boltefamily said...

Oh Kim,

Hearing your story about the woman at the party, I remember so vividly that same thing happening to me at church after Isaac died. It was so hard. I felt worse for the person asking it than I did myself. And I still struggle with the "How many kids to you have?" question. Most of the time it depends on who is asking it as to how I answer. I also want to make sure ALL of my children are included in my life!

Thank you for sharing with us! Whether you see it or not you definitely are an eagle! It is tough to get used to a new kind of normal, your world is forever changed and it is painful and joyful at the same time! Just remember even Jesus wept! Grief is necessary and good.


meela said...

I have cried several times at Fred Meyer, and thought the same things you have. Wanting and not wanting people to notice, those awkward first encounters, the questions, wanting to talk about our babies, but no one brave enough to ask, it is all so hard. But, I have been encouraged by your entry today. Thank you for sharing your heart, I am glad I found your blog.

Emily said...

Hello sweet friend. I have been missing you something awful. :) You were heavy on my heart today, as this is your first real holiday without Mary Grace. It wasn't my first holiday, but it was my first Valentine's day without one of my sweethearts, as you said, and it was tough. I wasn't prepared for it either. I'm so sorry today was tough for you. I love that you want to be an eagle and you're already learning to rely on waterproof mascara. We're doing this. We're making it. We're seeking God in this storm and we know it is He will renew our strength and to mount up on wings like eagles. What love. Miller Grace and Mary Grace could tell us all about it... and they will. Until then, let's keep following hard after Him and showing Satan who's boss, deal? LOVE you... and all three of your sweethearts!

Jen in Al said...

Praying for your sweet mommy heart, jen in al

Angie said...


I am so proud of you! Proud of you for sacrificing your comfort for Kailey. For treating the woman who asked you about Mary Grace with grace. For fighting against Satan even when you are tired of fighting! You may not be strong on your own strength, but just like that eagle, God can lift you higher than you ever could have gone on your own with His strength.

Much love!!


Anonymous said...

Dearest Kim,

The heart of a mother never heals completely after the loss of her child. And there is no set time-line or model of where you need to be in your grief & mourning. I lost my precious Victoria June 1, 2007. Some days are better than most, but at some point in every day I do struggle with the emptiness and pain of not having her with me.

At Victoria's celebration of life service my sister sang a song that has been a comfort to my spirit in the most dark of days.

"Trust His Heart"
All things work for our good
Though sometimes we don’t see how they could
Struggles that break our hearts in two
Sometimes blind us to the truth
Our Father knows what's best for us
His ways are not our own
So when your pathway grows dim
And you just don't see Him
Remember you're never alone

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don’t see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His Heart

He sees the master plan
And He holds our future in His hands
So don't live as those who have no hope
All our hope is found in Him
We see the present clearly
But He sees the first and the last
And like a tapestry
He's weaving you and me
To someday be just like Him

He alone is faithful and true
He alone knows what is best for you

I am praying for you and your family. I pray the Lord puts a hedge of protection around you.

In His Love,

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comments above that say you are an eagle. You may not feel like it because emotionally you are so raw, but with God's help you are flying! My heart aches for you! I'm so sorry that you have to face this! Keep looking to God for all that you need and He alone will keep you afloat!

Prayers continue for you often! God Bless You and Your Family!

Kim said...

Good for you! So happy to hear your update. You hang in there-I can hear the eagle in you. And you have given me a new perspective on every mother I might run into at a Target or anywhere. I'm sorry for your broken heart.

Anonymous said...

I have a 13 month old in heaven due to having a heart defect from having Turner sydrome. Isn't it funny that we all hate being asked how many children we have. I always include her becaue I feel like I have cheated her when I do not. I usually say 3 then if someone takes it farther and asks ages, iwhen I get to her I say I have a 13 month daughter in heaven. In my eyes she will always be 13 months.

You are doing AWESOME


Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear an update on you. I check daily to see how you are and I pray for you! I am a stranger from Franklin, TN but I am blessed by your faithfulness! I know that there are tough days ahead, but He will get you through! Lean on Him and know that you have 2 beautiful girls and a wonderful husband to love and that love you! Make memories everyday!!!

So Blessed said...

Those words of Anne Graham speak volumes...and I am thankful that you are trusting Him...that is the BEST you can do. I am praying for you and your family.

Leah said...

We've never met before but I have been lifting you and your family up in prayer ever since I learned of your precious baby through a mutual friend. During my daily reading today, I came across the following definition and immediately thought of you so I knew I had to share my thoughts. My hope is to encourage and uplift you today.

Courage - Courage is the ability to face danger, difficulty, uncertainty, or pain without being overcome by fear or being deflected from a chosen course of action.

May God grant you an abundance of courage to continue to move forward each day in your new way of life without fear. And I pray that you will not be deflected from your "chosen course of action," which I know, from keeping up with your blog, is to remain focused on Him. All life and strength is found in Him and Him alone! May you be courageous in Him!!!

Continuing to uplift you!

Blessings on you and yours,

Laurie in Ca. said...

Hi Kim,

Just stopping in to say I am thinking about you and praying for you each day. Asking Him to carry you through another day with His grace and love.

Love you, Laurie in Ca.

Cyn said...

Continued prayers for you and thanks for sharing words I need to hear.

friendlyfaces said...

I am reading your blog, and praying that our God of grace and mercy will fill you with His peace as you grieve. Don't be afraid to grieve, for the Bible says, "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted" Cry until there are no more tears, then cry again.. giving each tear to Jesus. I wish there were internet blogs 31 years ago when my son met Jesus. But I can tell you this, God never gives us a tear without wiping it with his hand. Talk often about your baby, remember her, and someday, in your own time, your heart will begin to heal, never forgetting, but not hurting so much. We'll see our precious treasures someday...

Emily said...

Missing you today.

Andrea Amu said...

Kim, I am so sorry that you are missing your sweet Mary Grace! I too am missing two of my babies... it's so hard to go about the daily grind most days and I can certainly relate. You definitely aren't the first to have lil' breakdowns in Target in front of complete strangers...I've done that quite often... in various settings.

I just found your blog tonight, so I thought I'd send you some much needed ((hugs))... take care!

P.S. Mary Grace is beautiful! A true angel of God :)

Kenzie said...

Hey sweet girl-

I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you tonight... every day and night. I know that each day that passes makes it a little easier and still a little harder... I don't know how that can be but somehow it is. We both need to continually focus on God's promises and how He has so greatly kept His hand upon us through these valleys... He will bring us to the mountaintops again.

I love you and I'm praying!