Friday, November 16, 2007

Mary - Jesus' Mother

I have been thinking a lot about Mary – Jesus’ Mother. I have been imagining all the emotions that she must have felt when God chose her to carry his only son; fear, anxiety, excitement, worry, pride, faith and much more I am sure. All the things that every Mom feels when she becomes pregnant with a precious gift from God. When the angel came to Mary and told her the “plan” she simply asked, “how will this be since I am a virgin?” and the angel told her that “ the holy spirit will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. For NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD”. Then Mary didn’t say – well I am not sure if I can do this, I am not sure if this is right for me, I am not sure if I can fulfill his plan that will be to give him up some day. She just said “I am the Lord’s servant, may it be to me as you have said” She didn’t think of all the possibilities of what could happen, that unless Joseph agreed to marry her that she may never get married. If her father rejected her and kicked her out that she may be homeless and forced to do whatever it took to survive. That people would think she was nuts when she told them that she was carrying God’s son. She didn’t even realize the greatness of what God had in store for her, she only knew that she was his servant and she willingly obeyed. My study bible says that if we offer ourselves willingly, even when the outcome seems disastrous God will carry us and never let us go. Praise Jesus!

Even before God chose Mary to be Jesus’ Mother, he also had planned that I would be Kailey, Allison and Mary Grace’s Mom and I am forever grateful. Mary had 33 years and 9 months carrying Jesus and every day she knew she would have to give him up – did she choose not to be obedient because it would be to difficult to give up her son– no. Can we ever have too many days with our children, do we EVER want to give them up – NO! I have known for 11 weeks that my time with Mary will be very limited, that I am not even guaranteed another day, but I would not change a thing, I would not choose to not have her in my life, she is my precious baby that will FOREVER be mine, nothing can take her away from me, definitely not death thanks to the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It also reminds me that none of us have a guarantee of tomorrow with any of our children and that we need to cherish every minute with each of them. I pray that I am reminded of this every minute of every day of my life. This is yet another precious gift that my Mary Grace has given me.

Thank you Jesus for all my gifts. Thank you especially this day for Mary Grace and no matter how much or little time I have with her, that I am grateful. Thank you for choosing me to be the earthly mother of Kailey, Allison and Mary and help me to be the steward that you had planned for them. Nothing is impossible with you my sweet Jesus and I pray that you help me to accept whatever comes our way.


Anonymous said...

Praying for you in Florida, from a native Kentuckian.

Laurie in Ca. said...

Hi Kim,
"Nothing is impossible with God." I forget this sometimes and need to be reminded of it's truth. And little Mary Grace is in such a safe place with you as her mother and the Lord forming her, perfect in His image. She is perfect and His plan is perfect. She is blessing your life so much already and I pray for the day you meet her face to face be the sweetest. You are in my prayers and I hope your weekend is a blessed one for your family. Your trust in Him is sacred.

Laurie in Ca.

Angie said...


Thank you for the reminder of Mary. She was so willing to face the unknown future as the mother of Jesus because it is what God called her to do. Just as you said, you have been called in the same way to be Mary Grace's mother, and what God desires is the same willingness that Mary demonstrated. Mary Grace is already so blessed that God chose you because you recognize that special call.

I pray that God will continue to pour out blessings on you over the next weeks, and that He will allow you to see glimpses of His plan and His work. I am confident that he hates the pain that comes from sickness. His original plan never included trisomy 18 or any other disease, yet sin ushered all of these things into the world. However, God works through these things in ways that I can't imagine or anticipate with my mind. I'm asking that He will show us both how He is using this ugly disease to create something beautiful.

Love, Angie

Cathy said...

Wow , I am speechless!

Brittani's Holding Little Hands said...

What a beautiful post. You put it wonderfully that none of us are guaranteed time with our children. I am so thankful that God is so large and we are so small. Praying for you.

Anonymous said...

I think that I have allowed the devil to keep me from sending any encouraging words to you in fear of saying something stupid. I think that I got some "stupid" comments when I was pregnant with Jack Boone. I got out all of my cards from "that time" the other day and was so blessed to read them all again. It made me know that no one has the right words but knowing that they love and are praying for me did help. Even if it doesn't seem so now it will when you read them 6 years from now. :) So...
I love you and the whole family has been praying for you at every prayer. You sent me a card for Jack Boone 6 years ago and now my sweet Boonie is praying for your sweet Mary Grace. In his words: "Dear Jesus, please watch over Kim's baby and please don't let her die."
We will see you in 2 days.

Emily said...

Thinking of you today and feeling a little extra blessed to know your little miracle is nearby. :)

James Lane said...

God is great and He is showing Himself through you and your ability to share, help, and teach others through this blog.

I encourage you continue with this well written and loving testimony of God’s grace in our everyday life. I have told many that I have a new hero and she lives here in Keller.

It is my belief that you exemplify what it means to be a good and loving mother and I pray that moms everywhere can be more like you.

I am in agreement with you and your prayer for healing and complete restoration of Mary Grace, a child of the Most High God and our Father Abba.

You have a wonderful family and we are blessed to have you all in our lives.

Your Brother Christ and your friend.

James Lane