Wednesday, March 5, 2008

God is waiting on me.....

Well, the last two days I have actually felt human. For those of you who do not know a couple of weeks ago I came down with type B flu - took about 1 week to somewhat get over that - then after having maybe one day where I felt like I could accomplish something - I started feeling yuck again. So....last Friday morning when I woke up my body ached and I felt in the tank again - this after seeing the commercial for cymbalta saying "depression hurts, it hurts everyone, it hurts everywhere, your body aches" - well - I just knew - this is it - this is how I am going to feel the rest of my life - I pretty much had a break down thinking this is how I was going to have to live. Oh how Satan loves to defeat us! I took a bath thinking it would help me, but after getting out and realizing - nope I don't feel better - I thought - hey I am going to take my temp - 102 - and blisters in the throat triggered a thought of "hey I may be sick again". So...the Dr fit me in - I had strep throat - I actually cried in relief that maybe, just maybe it's not a life sentence of depression.

I have to say however, that I do feel "depressed", I have felt hopeless, I have felt deep deep sadness, I have felt anger, anxiety, bitterness - but I have also had glimpses of relief the last two days. It's a bitter sweet thing - sweet because it has felt nice to feel somewhat normal - but bitter because when I have some good moments I feel guilt and fear - guilt for feeling "good" without Mary Grace, fear that it's a sign that I will forget - and God knows I want her to be a part of me every moment of every day - just not the sadness part. I want to start living what I KNOW to be truth - truth that Mary Grace was a miracle, our specific prayers were answered, we got to meet her, look into her eyes. I want to rejoice in all the ways Mary Grace touched our lives, touched every one's life - how she has impacted this world in a greater way than most do who live a lifetime. She is my third daughter and will always be with me. You know what we want most as parents is for our children to accept Jesus and be in Heaven for eternity. I want to rejoice in the fact that Mary Grace is there - it's accomplished - that worry is done, taken care of - she is with Jesus in paradise - free of this world and the junk it has to offer, she is waiting on me and I will see her again. It's Kailey and Allison I should be crying for - for all they will have to endure of this world - even at it's best - the heartache, the sin, Satan and his tricks and traps....oh Jesus, help me to raise them in You and keep them in your sights, keep them safe and let us be together forever with You in paradise one day. Help me to not lose any time with them because Satan is trying to steel my joy, help me to be the Mommy you planned for me to be, help me to be the Mommy that Kailey, Allison and Mary Grace deserves. Help me to be the wife Chris deserves. He me to bring You the glory that You so deserve. Oh God I want that, but I need you to accomplish it in me, I can not do it without You holding me tight right now.

I have started reading the one year book of hope - and the Author Nancy Guthrie lost two of her babies to a birth defect shortly after birth. She has felt a lot of the things that I have felt. One thing specifically that stood out is that I have felt guilty because I think my grief is more about ME than about Mary Grace. I know this to be true because Mary Grace is in Heaven - my goodness she is "where it's at!". I have just been feeling sorry for myself, feeling sadness for my loss, thinking about what I feel, what I fear, the disappointment that swallows me. Also, I expressed to a friend today that I feel like there has been so many things in my life that I have prayed about, some things I have prayed so hard about, some things I have prayed about for so long.....and it seems that God isn't answering any of my prayers. I hate saying that out loud because I KNOW how the Lord has blessed me and I KNOW the blessings that are in my life, but I also feel like He can do anything - He could answer these requests for goodness sakes - He could have healed Mary Grace......why pray about things - He is going to do what He wants to do anyway. Is He even there? Is He even listening? Why doesn't He show himself? Why doesn't He speak to me? Am I being punished for my sin? Then I am reminded of the Truth. The Truth that sets me free....... For instance Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Mary and Martha sent a desperate message to Jesus about their brother Lazarus, that he was sick and to please come heal him - "Lord the one You love is sick". And Jesus loved Lazarus - just like he loves ME - all of us! But.....Lazarus died - Mary and Martha was so confused - they must have felt like Jesus just ignored them, didn't care, why wouldn't he just come and heal him?! But Jesus had a greater purpose, he knew in order for God to be glorified that it must happen the way it did - days had to pass before he went back to bring Lazarus back from the dead. Jesus was teaching Mary and Martha and his disciples to TRUST him - to rely only on Him. And when we don't understand why......we have to TRUST him. God reassured the apostle Paul when he went through great suffering that "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness". Oh Jesus - I believe, help me with my unbelief.

And one of my very favorite reminders is in the book of Daniel. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego -three Hebrew teens who were captured, stripped of their names and manhood and made to be slaves to an emperor who was very cruel. They must have prayed over and over for relief, for freedom and no help came. They must have asked - "God can you hear us, are you there?" And then when King Nebuchadnezzar built a golden statue and told the three Hebrews to bow down and worship it, they refused - even when the King told them they would be thrown into a fiery furnace and killed. They told him "If you throw us into the blazing furnace the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, oh King. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O King, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up". And God did rescue them, he was in the fire with them, they came out without even a smell of smoke!! Now...if God had rescued them when they wanted to be rescued and answered their prayers in their time, would He have been glorified in such a miraculous way? I have to keep reminding myself of these things. Can you imagine being told you were going to be thrown into a furnace if you didn't bow down and worship another god and having their response - our God is able, but even if he doesn't!? Oh how I want to be like that - how I want to say - Lord you may not answer my prayers like I want them to be answered and this life may not be how I want it or planned it, and even if you never answer another prayer..... I know you love me and because you sent your only Son Jesus to die for me, I will be with you forever in Heaven - I will be with Mary Grace forever! God help me to surrender ALL!! And Satan, you might as well quit - no matter what you throw at me or my family, you will not win, I am saved and I am secure and my God is bigger than you and BTW - you are already defeated!!

You know, I have said before I am having a hard time reading the bible, praying for anything other than for others......and that really hasn't changed, but I know God knows how I feel. God heals the brokenhearted, he is holding me in the palm of his hand - this I know for sure because I wouldn't be able to get out of bed otherwise. God is waiting on me, and I am digging my way out of this hole, Lord I am coming - I know you are there...........I know you will not leave me.....I know your plans for me and my family are great, far greater that I can even imagine........I am hoping, I am trusting and I am relying on you. And I know You NEVER fail...............


Laurie in Ca. said...

Hi Kim,

How good it is to see you here tonight, sharing your heart. You are so right in knowing that God will never fail you and He is holding you in the palm of His hand. It is enough for Him to know your heart and He waits patiently. He loves you so much and will bring you through, one step at a time. You are so loved. My prayers continue for you daily and will for a very long time.

Love and Big Hugs, Laurie in Ca.

Emily said...

Amen sister. Amen.

Kenzie said...


I love you girl... and I am going to get back to your email : ) I just wanted to tell you that even as you struggle to pray for yourself, there are SO MANY of US praying for you... and as you said, the Lord DOES know your heart. Let's talk soon! Maybe an "escape weekend"?!

Love you and praying!

Angie said...


Goodness gracious!! The double sickness on top of everything else is unbelievable. I'm so glad you are feeling better!!!

Everything you wrote makes so much sense. I think that if we didn't think through the exact things you talked about after walking this road, there WOULD be something wrong with us. The story from Daniel is one of my favorites as well. I also want to latch on to that truth with my heart (not just my head) and be able to say "I know you are able, but even if you don't..."

I'm still praying for you, and my love is with you!


So Blessed said...

Praying for you, Kim, right where you are at this very moment...and trusting the One who created us and loves us to supply your each and every need. I have heard my pastor speak many times of "grief work" and believe that it is indeed just that. It takes go throught it...because you certainly can't go over it or around it or under it. Our faithful, loving Father is walking with you each and every step of the way. Your family remains in my prayers.

The Adoption Of William said...

God bless you!


With love and hope,

Jen-William's Mom

boltefamily said...


Thank you for posting this. I have been feeling so alone in my grief. Your words made so much sense to me tonight. I am also reading the One Year Book of Hope. It is great to read words of another mom who knows this heartache. Thank you Kim, for sharing so openly. I will be praying for you.


Kim said...

Wow. What a powerful post!
I needed that. Especially the part about trusting God and if he is gonna do things a certain way anyway what's the point?
It certainly does seem like it sometimes. Especially in your experience with Mary Grace.
But, you are right, all will be revealed. It is great to hear your FIGHT for you faith in your God and very encouraging for me.
Hang in there and hang on. I am convinced that God will lead you to where it is you are going. Thanks for sharing and the encouragement for me.

Mandy said...

January 31, 1997, my cousin lost a baby at 34 weeks into her pregnancy. I was also pregnant with my first child. The two babies were the first grandchildren and great grandchildren in our family. We spent quite a while grieving, and giving birth to my daughter on March 1- a mere 6 weeks later, was the most difficult thing I have ever done. It is now 11 years later, and we still mourn for him and what would have been on his birthday. But I do want to tell you that it does get easier to live day to day and enjoy your life again. I am praying for you!

KYnurse said...

Keeping you lifted up in KY

Mandy said...

Thinking of you and knowing so much about the guilt and fear you speak of. God bless and keep looking up and finding the good, even on days when it would be so much easier to give in to the grief. I will be praying for you.


Laurie in Ca. said...

Hi Kim,

Just stopping by this afternoon to say I love you and am praying for you. When I think of you, all of the other girls on this journey come to mind also, and I ask God to bless all of you with His love and peace. And I hope you have an "escape weekend" soon with Kenzie. It sounds like so much fun and healing in the sisterhood you share. Without even speaking a word, you both know each others hearts and hurts. God bless you Kim and Spring is coming soon:) A new season always brings new life and restoration to the soul.

Love and Many Blessings,
Laurie in Ca.

Anonymous said...

You have been in my prayers.
From your post, I see my prayers have been answered for you.
The enemy would love to deceive you and all us Christians into questioning God. We know better because of His Word, the Holy Spirit that lives within us, and because we have an advocate in heaven, Jesus, who stands before the throne of God to defend us.

God Bless You and Yours,
Deborah S.

Kenzie said...

Just wanted to tell you I love you and am thinking so much of you today... we need to get together soon!

Praying for you!

Carolyn said...

I came upon your blog, and you seem like such an amazing person. You have such a beautiful family. You all seem to adore each other and help each other out in these hard times. God will always be with you and He loves you and He knows you. He does know your struggles, and is going to help you throughout your life. Keep going, looking ahead, and rejoicing in the small things that you do have. Your family is in my prayers.