Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Longing for Mary Grace

It's been 73 days since Mary Grace entered and left this world. I want to say I miss her but I didn't have her here on this earth with me long enough to know what I am missing, except for what I can imagine of her. So...the only way I know how to describe it is I long for her, I deeply long for her, and only her - only Mary Grace could fill this void. The emptiness that I feel for her is a lot of times overwhelming. I start to get the feeling of longing and I get anxious, like I do not know what to do with myself. I think one of the things that has been most difficult is the fact that I can not go to Mary's grave since she is in Kentucky. I want to sit by where she is and talk with her, cry for her, and although I realize I can do that anywhere, anytime - it's just different. It's a very helpless feeling but when I actually make the effort to ask my Lord to sustain me, he does, every time. I am not quite sure why I do not automatically ask Him but I don't. Maybe I still feel abandoned by Him although I know that's not true, it's just not true. Maybe I still want to solve this and get through it on my own, even though I KNOW it's not possible, and I know that "all things are possible with Christ who strengthens me". So why do we, especially as Christians fight it within ourselves so much, why do we fight the fact that Jesus can and will rescue us? Why do we seek other a friend, talk to our Mom, eat those chocolate eggs, turn on the TV, look at a gossip magazines, get on the computer......all these things to run from the very one who wants to embrace us, the very one who died on the cross to SAVE us? Ps. 55:22 "Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken".

Oh Jesus, hear my cry and help me. Help me to wake up every day and think of you first, help me to remember in my deepest hurting moments that YOU are my answer, You are my refuge, You sustain, You save, You deliver and You are the One who loves me unconditionally the most. Help me to gain everything I can and that all you intended for me from Mary Grace's life so that You and only You will be glorified through me. Help me to feel and be deserving of the beautiful honor of being Mary Grace's Mother, I do not want to waste any of it. Help me to help others, help me to help myself, help me to be the wife, Mother, daughter, sister and friend that you intended me to be. Help me Lord...hear my cry. Ps. 107:13-14 "Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom and broke away their chains."

I have been blessed with the most amazing friends a girl could have. I mentioned earlier that not having Mary Grace here is very difficult although I know she is in the right place by being buried in Kentucky. My friends here in Texas went together, bought and planted the most beautiful Crepe Myrtle tree (the blooms will be pink! pictures to come). We picked a spot up by the swing set where my other two girls play all of the time -it's a spot that I can see from any where in my house and back porch. I want you to know that when the tree was in the truck I didn't notice blooms or buds on the tree nor did the person looking at it with me point any out........and as soon as it was in the ground, watered and finished we noticed buds popping up - it seemed miraculous to me but I couldn't speak of it at the time without losing it. I plan on putting a garden around it and have had another group of friends say they are donating another tree to us in Mary's honor to put in the garden. I will have a place for Mary here. I can not tell you how much this means to me friends and how thankful we are. There are no words.

I also want to ask that all of you pray for someone who has recently contacted me via e-mail who recently found out her precious baby girl Faith has Trisomy 18, Ashley is 29 weeks pregnant. Oh how it breaks my heart but we know God will be glorified through yet another miracle baby. Pray for this mommy and family (Faith has 2 sisters), pray for Faith and that God will do great works in and through her. Here is her information, please lift this family up and encourage them.... BTW she gave me permission to share.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. God has blessed our family so much by using you and I hope you know how much you all mean.


Laurie in Ca. said...

Hi Kim,

I check in on you every morning and am so glad to read your post today. I pray for you often. I will pray for the emptiness and longing in your heart to be bearable as you go through this time. I am so happy for the great friends there and the Crepe Myrtle tree for Mary Grace. And most of all, the memorial garden that you are planning. It will be such a blessing to you to have her special place at home. I know that He hears your hearts cry Kim, and He is answering you by surrounding you with sweet friends, family and His grace. He is your refuge and will never leave you. He is so sweet to know our human nature to come to Him last, instead of first. He waits. He loves. He heals. He holds Mary Grace for you. He loves your heart. He hears your cry. He will help you through. He is enough.

Love you Kim, Laurie in Ca.

The VW's said...

He hears you, and He knows even when you aren't crying out to Him! Thankyou for this post! It's a great reminder, that we all should go to God first and always trust in Him!

May He fill you up and give you the peace and strength to sustain, that only He can! God Bless You!

K said...

I just read your post in the comments section on Susie's blog about how you slept the night with Mary Grace. I love hearing things like this. My family has condemned me for keeping my grandmother at home until 5pm of the same day that she passed away. She passed some time during the night. This is my family who absolutely neglected her for the last two years of her life.

It gives me such comfort to read your blog and the blogs of others who've lost their loved ones and kept them close for a little while after they died.

I pray for you, too, to have inner peace and comfort as your go through this time of mourning the loss of your little daughter.

Emily said...

It's good to hear from you, friend. You are beautiful in every way and I'm thankful to have you in my life. I feel blessed to know that Mary Grace rests just up the road from my girl and me. But you know that Jesus tore the veil, that you can talk to him and her any time you need. Be blessed and comforted today.

Thank you for letting me know about baby Faith. She will be just as sacred a miracle as all the rest of the ones we've fallen in love with and I am honored to pray for her.

Hannah said...

Like the commenter "K", I read your comment on Susie's post about keeping Mary Grace with you through the night.

I, for one, have been so blessed by knowing this because when my daughter was stillborn only weeks after Mary Grace, I remembered that you had done this, and I knew that I would do the same. God truly used you to prepare me for that most beautiful and most sad day of my life! I had Tabitha with me from her delivery at 7:34 pm until 9:30 the next morning. I'm sad that I left so quickly that next day and wish I had taken another hour with her. But I'm not sure that I would have thought I COULD keep her with me all those precious hours if I hadn't read about your daughter's birth. So, thank you!

I keep checking on you and praying...


Kim said...

What a beautiful honor for your Mary Grace. I check in your blog often, and was delighted to see a post. May God continue to bless you and comfort you. I think you are amazing and thank you for your honesty, sharing and encouragement of faith!

Kenzie said...


Hey girl... keep on trusting Him just like I know you do. So many times it is easier to reach out and talk to someone to just hear an audible voice back... but I too have to STOP myself and know that the Lord wants me to come to Him before ANYONE else. : )

I love you and know that this continues to be so hard. I am looking forward to the time when we can get together and just hug and cry and talk about our sweet little ones together!

I love you and am praying so much!
ps- thanks for letting us know about Ashley and baby Faith... we will add them to our prayers

Anonymous said...

Hi, Kim. I just wanted to let you know I think of you so many times throughout each day. I pray for you, Chris, and the girls. I pray that you will find some peace. You are such strong person. Don't lose faith. You will always carry Mary Grace in your heart.

I love that your friends have given you the beautiful tree. The garden that you are planning is such a great tribute. I hate that we are so far apart. You have always been such a special part of my life and always will be.

All my love,

Debbie said...

I love the memorial garden plan. Eventhough Walker is buried not to far, that sounds like as great idea. Our Heavenly Father created all. What a great place to remember Mary Grace and be close to her being surrounded in nature created by Him.

Thanks for your strength.

Anxious AF said...

Praying for you tonight.

Cathy said...

Thank you for your post on Annabel's site. Your words are so kind. I come to your site often and I am praying for that longing you feel to bring you peace and comfort. Thank you also for sharing Annabel's story with others. Cathy & Annabel

Angie said...


I am just checking in to let you know you are on my heart and my thoughts. One thing I really related to when I read this was what you said about missing her... it's definitely a different kind of "miss" because there are so few memories. Instead of missing the actual things about our sweet ones, we miss what we know would have been.

Thank you for your honesty and working through this process so openly. You have my love and prayers!


Laurie in Ca. said...

Hi Kim,

Just checking in today to let you know I think of you often and pray for you. I just want you to know you are loved by me and Mary Grace is in my heart. Have a blessed week.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

boltefamily said...

Hello Kim!

I am blessed to have read your post today. I too am struggling and feeling that unbearable longing, thank you for sharing so openly as it has helped me to feel less alone today!

I am so glad you have wonderful friends there lifting you up and providing just the right gifts of love! Please know I am praying for you!

All my love,

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,

I'm, Kaki Smith, Amanda's room mate-Melodye Smith- Mom who has had you constantly in thought and prayer! Our church group in Pineville, Kentucky has been praying for you and your blessed family.

Words cannot express the heartfelt sympathy that I hold for you and your family.

I pray each day that the emptiness in your heart will be filled with peace.

Much love and prayers,
Kaki Smith

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim, I know you don't know me, I am a friend of your friend Amber Augustine. Well, in our family we call her an "earthly angel". Anyway, we recently lost our son, Wyatt at 37 weeks , and she told me your story. God has recently led me to James and I've staying in Chapter 1, James says, " consider it pure joy, my brother, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance. Perserverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything." And I am thinking, What-But it isn't that Christ is excited about the suffering but He is rejoicing of what will be....what will happen.
Good things happen to bad people, bad things happen to good people, God is in-control. Keep looking up.....He will take your hand in the fire and say, " God this way Kim, now today, go this way." How does he do it, just by us surrendering. How do I know this....because I am living it too. Donna B.

Emily said...

Thinking of you tonight, sweet friend. :)

Debbie said...

I have been trying to keep up and read your blog. I love your thoughts. I hope it has been helping you heal as much as your insights have helped in my healing. Also, I tagged you. See my blog. I am trying to balance life in my blog. Hope to hear back from you soon.

Love, Debbie

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim. God put you on my heart in a fresh way today. I am lifting you to the father. I understand the longing you are experienceing for Mary Grace. I still long for Wyatt and miss him. Some days it seem so unbearable-thank you Jesus that you sustain us. Thank you Jesus, that because of you we will see Wyatt and Mary Grace again. Thank you merciful savior that you are holding them, their one true love!!!!
Donna B.