Thursday, May 1, 2008


is not a feeling, it's not an emotion. Trust is a decision, a choice. It's something that I think every Christian struggles with concerning God and His ways (Lord knows I do!). If we truly believe in God and His Holy Word and have a relationship with Christ, then we believe to some extent, if not all, that the things that He allows to happen to us are for His glory and for our good....Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." But man is it tough to take sometimes! You know, I don't think God ever promised that if we walked with Him , it would be a perfect road, (but some of it just feels too hard). In fact, we see time and time again in the bible and in our present day life, that some of the best Christians and believers are the ones who are persecuted the most and the hardest. But let's admit it....when these bad things happen to Christians, and they CHOOSE to trust God, to praise Him, to glorify Him, how much more powerful is that?! So powerful!! How easy is it to praise Him when things are going great, when things are pretty much perfect? Does that really say a whole lot?

I know in the past I have seen Christians get the worst Satan attacks ever, when they are really on fire for God, bam Satan attacks them! And I have thought.....okay.....I do not want to face those hardships so I am going to play it safe...not be too on fire for God to draw Satan's attention to me! You know, one of those "Safe" Christians. Still a Christian, still saved through Grace, still going to heaven, but SAFE....making no impact, making no difference for the Kingdom of God.
And, when the trials have come in my life (2 biggies so far) I have been angry, bitter, withdrawn....but I have still dug may way out by the power of my Savior and have found a way back to Him, even though He never left me! Praise Jesus for His love and patience for even me! He loves all of us, Christ died so that we may have life and have it more abundantly!! If you are facing a "biggie" right now, God is there, He WILL carry you I promise. I can now say truly, I KNOW! Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
And if what you are going through is not a "biggie" know that nothing is too big or small, God wants our everything...He wants to help us and be our Father in the small things too. (Besides...God doesn't have a scale,He wants it ALL). Phil 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in EVERYTHING, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

Of course I do not want any more biggies, but I tell you now...I do not want to play it safe! I do not want to "lay low" so Satan will not target me. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world! I want to Glorify the Almighty Father who has made it possible for me to spend eternity with all my loved ones who accept His Son as their Savior, because without Him there is no hope. I have always known how great a sacrifice Jesus was but I especially realize it now.
I was given a miracle, I was given a beautiful life, I was chosen to be the Mother to precious Mary Grace, praise Him for loving me so much!! And as sure as I decided to follow Jesus....I have decided not to waste what He gave me in Mary Grace - she is too precious to waste. I am not saying that I will not struggle, probably daily, but I AM saying that I have a longing for that Kingdom, that Kingdom I am called to make a difference for.

I have imagined a love note from my Heavenly Father that says "Will you Trust Me? Yes or not circle OR." I circle YES..I choose to Trust.

Deuteronomy 32:4
"He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he."

On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.

When you can, please watch this inspiring video of a family who is in the depths of grief having lost their precious Audrey Caroline, but is choosing to Trust while realizing the true picture of what that WILL be blessed. The "Smith Family Story".


Laurie in Ca. said...

Hi Kim,

How good to come here today and read your amazing post about Trust. I am one of the ones who has played it safe in my life so that Satan would leave me alone. My "on the fence walk". It seems to benefit no one. So I want to tell you that you have such a good heart and it speaks to me the things I need to remember to "Keep off the Fence". And I love the Smith's video. Angie expressed so well how God can handle it all, anger, hurt, questions, bitterness, He is Big enough! Love you Kim and prayers continue for you here from me. Have a wonderful and blessed weekend with your family.

Laurie in Ca.

The VW's said...

What a powerful message! Thankyou! We can all use the reminder to trust in Him with everything! May God Bless you and your wonderful family!

boltefamily said...

SO true! That is such a great video of the Smith family's journey! I too have been guilty of being a "safe" christian much of my life. That is no longer good enough for me. I want to be on fire. Not lukewarm. Lukewarm does not honor God. You are honoring God and his faithfulness so beautifully. This post really spoke to my heart today! Thank you!

Love and prayers,


Karen said...

Kim, How embarrassing it is to admit I have had the exact same 'play it safe' thoughts too many times to count. (I thought I was the only one that got that!) The realization I come to, or the one He reminds me of each time, is that if Satan is not attacking you, he already HAS you. He isn't attacking because he doesn't have the need to! That is scary to me! But in those easy, carefree stages in life, it also seems scary to trust God and really show it and run the risk of 'losing' everything that seems to be moving along so smoothly. It seems pretty selfish, and foolish right about now!

Thank you for your reminder today!

Kenzie said...


Love you girl! It is a DAILY choice, and sometimes it's just plain hard... but we have to decide to stand together with Him in all... to give Him our all! :)

I love you... thank you for this post, for the big & the small things.


Emily said...

Hey sweet friend!!

What an amazing entry! You have been on my mind SO much this week and I cannot wait until crazy life around here slows down enough for us to chat. :) You're right. God is big enough for us to trust and while storms definitely come our way to trust that faith when we're standing up for Him, there is nothing quite looking being able to look back later and see just how the Lord carried us through. I know Mary Grace's life is a sweet reminder like that to you, as Miller Grace's is to me. He'll carry us... and keep sending sweet surprises along the way. We will yet praise Him! :)

Anonymous said...


I think about you so much. I just read a book called "I will hold you in Heaven". What a precious gift. You are amazing and such an inspiration to Moms everywhere dealing with any kind of hurt or anger. I will be praying for you this Mother's Day. I hope it is a terrific one for you!

Love in Christ,


Anonymous said...

Hi Kim, this is carolyn in Danville, Ky. My husband and i were on the way to church tonight and we were listening to WDFB Share-a thon on the radio.Your dad came in to help and it brought you to mind so we pulled over to the side of the road and called in a pledge in Honor of you and in mempry of mary Grace. It really touched Gary. I just wanted you to and prayers, carolyn

Kim said...

Thank you for not playing it "safe" and posting this.
Thank you for making a change-for me-today.

Angie said...

Happy Mother's Day, Kim!! I wanted you to know that I'm thinking and praying for you today. You are such an amazing mother, and I pray that God will fill your heart with joy today!

much love! Angie

Debbie said...

Just thinking of you today. May you have comfort on this Mother's Day.

Love, Debbie

Chrissy said...

Happy Mother's Day are a precious Mother of THREE!

boltefamily said...

Just stopping by tonight to let you know I am thinking of you on this a day we celebrate with great joy and also tears!

Much love,


Cathy said...

Just wanted to tell you we are thinking of you on this Mother's Day. You have a beautiful family.
CAthy & Annabel

Devon said...

I just happened upon your blog...Your words are my words. Thank you for being honest. Sometimes I feel like Christians sugar coat things and I vowed not to do that. 2 months ago my precious twin boys, Blake & Ethan, were born 17 weeks premature. They lived for 2 and 3 days before they went home to Jesus. I am learning to live afterwards and it's so hard....In fact, I have a post in my drafts I started today about trust...Thank you for blessing me today and for letting me know I am not alone. Our stories are different but our outcome is the same....We are both moms without the right number of children. Hugs to you...

Laurie in Ca. said...

Hi Kim,

I am just stopping by tonight to let you know I am thinking about you and sending some love and hugs to you. I hope your Mother's day was special to let you know you are loved. I pray for you daily as you walk this road and ask God to bless you.

Love, Laurie in Ca.