Friday, December 21, 2007

A Good Week; A Good Day

Well it’s been a good week. As you know I can have my moments but God has been carrying me through every day and although some days I may be heavier and more of a load to carry, most moments are good. This week has mostly been good because I have stayed so busy getting ready for Christmas. Chris helped with the cards this year, which was a big relief, and I do like shopping for him and the girls very much. I love the real “real reason for the season” more than anything (especially this year). How God chose to send his only Son to the world as a baby, to a woman like Mary, born in a lowly stable, to live among sinners and to sacrifice himself for us in the most horrific way....... so that we could be saved and spend eternity with him….and all we have to do is believe and accept him!! That’s it, just believe!! I am so thankful for Jesus and so thankful for his promises, his promises that make everything that happens here on earth fail in comparison to what Heaven will bring us. I am thankful for God’s perfection!

Chris has the rest of the year off starting today and we had a really good day. It’s been a while since he has had some time off to do NOTHING and I didn’t realize how doing the daily “stuff” by myself has put me in a rut. He has always been the kind of Husband and Father who helps out a lot and I am thankful for him every day…..but just getting the normal stuff done when I feel like my life is anything but “normal” has kind of been getting to me. Kailey went to school for half the day so Chris and I was able to spend some time talking this morning about nothing really and then Allison came and got in the bed with us and we loved on each other and cuddled. Why don’t we take time for that more often?? Then we got some paperwork stuff done that we have been putting off and the rest of the cards out. Kailey got home and we went to a lake nearby and Mary Grace took her first hike. It was beautiful weather and Chris and our three girls and I hiked and found really neat treasures like fish bones, smooth rocks, a broken fishing pole and shells. Then we went fishing but caught nothing. There were several moments when Satan was trying to get to me, I was trying to imagine never getting to go hiking and fishing with Mary Grace, thinking about next Christmas and her not being with me any more. There was a time when the girls were climbing rocks with Chris and I was able to have about 15 minutes to myself to reflect on the day and listen to the water and think…well you know the thoughts that come racing – the negative ones, but I stopped Satan in his tracks today!! HA!! I said I am hiking and fishing with Mary Grace and she is with me now, she is with me today and I will have fun in it! It worked… It was a really nice, normal, non-hurried day and I am thankful for it!

This week while reading a few other blog sites from precious Mommy’s who are in the same shoes I am in, I found comfort, peace and thoughts that really helped me to think differently this week. Thoughts on Christmas and its focus, thoughts on how to enjoy this celebration of Christ and to not let Satan still this year with my girls from me. Also something in particular was shared at a prayer meeting for Maddox Stanfield by his Mommy's (Kenzie) Pastor. I printed it out and have read it every day, several times a day. It’s something I believe but have never been able to word it like he has. I do not mean to copy…but I wanted to share it with you because it is what I believe and reading over it every day has given me comfort. I know Kenzie would want me to share/copy! I put Mary’s name in and a few additions for myself where applicable.

He said “There is a guarantee of a healed body, hopefully here on Earth, but definitively in Heaven in the presence of our God. Mary Grace will for sure be free of the extra 18th chromosome that invades every cell of her body. Life begins at conception. God has created Mary Grace inside of me and although we may not know her immediate destination, we know that he doesn’t make mistakes! That each and every child created, whether lost to miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant death, was created in God’s image to be brought into the presence of the Holy One. In God’s perfect creation, this wouldn’t be happening…but we live in a fallen world, full of sin and evil. And still, God has His hand upon us. He has ordained each child conceived in a mother’s womb to have an everlasting life with Him. If for no other reason then to have an eternal presence with the Lord, our Mary Grace was created for a life and a purpose. Our only job is to honor that life given.” We thank Jesus for the honor to have Mary Grace as our 3rd baby girl!!

I want to again thank my new friends who are willing to share themselves so openly and honestly. I hope you all realize how much it helps me and others to get through every day!

A hymn comes to mind:
Oh Victory in Jesus, my Savior forever. He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood. He loved me ere I knew Him and all my love is due Him, He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood.
I have the Victory! And Satan you may hold my thoughts captive at times and you may pull me down sometimes but I have Victory and you can never, ever win that battle!! It's already won!!Praise Jesus!!


Kenzie said...


I love how you are forcing Satan out of any little paths to your heart right now. I am so thankful for you and for the girls that have continued to share their journeys with us. What our pastor spoke that night, honestly, I won't ever forget. There were so many people in that room that have experienced a loss through miscarriage, and his words radiated truth and gave so many of us an enormous sense of peace. I'm so thankful that others can hear it and cling to those promises as well.

Thank you for sharing your day~ it sounds like a wonderful time with your three little ones!

Love and prayers for your family,

So Blessed said...

What a glorious day you all had together...thanks for sharing. The words to a song came to my mind as I read your entry...

These are the special times
Times we'll remember
These are the precious times
The tender times we'll hold in our hearts forever
These are the sweetest times
These times together
And through it all, one thing will always be true
The special times are the times I share with you.

How precious that you refuse to allow Satan to steal your joy...and your special moments with your family. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Have a blessed Christmas.

Emily said...

Keep fighting the good fight and knowing that you know what you know what you know. ;) Lifting you up, sweet friend!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through my friend Boothe. I have been praying for you and your family and will surely continue to do that! I wish you a Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year! Praying in Franklin, TN! Missy

Emily said...

Praying at 3:30 a.m. Thought you should know the Lord is working.