I wanted to give everyone an update on my Doctor visit yesterday. I am, this week 32 weeks. I had an ultrasound yesterday and a Dr. appointment and went well. Mary’s heart rate is still looking good at 146 – she is measuring about 2 weeks behind now so that gap is getting a little bigger each time. She is gaining weight so that’s good. I have more amniotic fluid than I should but nothing abnormal with t-18 babies. The Doctor said that if nothing happens between now and 38 weeks he would like to induce me then to have Mary in a controlled setting - he feels she will be ready then – so 6 more weeks to go. I sat in his office yesterday and felt numb and sad in the reality of it all. That Mary and this pregnancy can seem so “normal” and the outcome still looks the same.
With all the sweet babies with Trisomy 18 or something similar that I have got to know, every story and outcome is different. So I can’t help but wonder, be excited even fear what mine/ours will be. Most of the time I do not allow myself to go there yet but as the date approaches it seems that my mind will be “there” before I know it. I pray to God daily that with his all-knowing power that he helps me to accept his timing and know that it’s what is right for Mary Grace.
My Mom and Dad went to the local Christian Radio station in KY last night (WDFB – 1170AM and 88.1 FM) and held a prayer meeting for Mary Grace. My Dad has bought a little outfit for Mary to come home in and they anointed it and prayed for her. The preacher that I grew up with runs this radio station and has been so close to our family for many years. We are blessed to know him (Bro. Don Drake) and his family and to have them as prayer warriors! We are continuing to pray for a miracle!
Please pray specifically:
That God will continue to be glorified in all of this.
Mary’s weight and growth will continue to increase.
My spirits to stay uplifted and that my mind and heart would stay focused on Christ, his goodness and truth and not focused on fear and doubt.
A Miracle for Mary and an acceptance of whatever that may be
Praise Jesus for Tristan Hostetter - He is home and is now 10 days old!!
Pray for my neice Tara - she is not feeling the best with her symptoms from Lupus (she is 15)
Almost every day Kailey Mae leaves for school or Allison goes to school I say “This is the day that the Lord has made” and they say – “we will rejoice and be glad in it”. I want to live that every day – I want to show them what that looks like – I want to show them that it’s real and not just words we say. Only with God can I do that right now, but then again only with him can I do anything….. and with him ALL things are possible.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
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Thank you for your update on Mary Grace and your pregnancy. I will continue to pray for you, and the specific items you asked for. I can't imagine what you are going through, but I know how much I love all my children, and how thankful I am for them, and how happy I am for you to be expecting your third little girl! Hang in there, lots of us out here are with you, upholding you in prayer!!
It's good to hear how little Mary Grace is doing and it's fantastic to hear that her mother is trying her best to keep choosing to rejoice in these days that the Lord has given. You make me glad, too. :)
Praying for you as Mary Grace continues to be fearfully and wonderfully made by the same One who holds your heart next to His. I am praying that all fear and doubt be removed and stay removed during this time. And praying for all that you requested. You are so right, each baby brings with it a different story and timing, but in each miracle, Jesus is at the center and He is faithful to keep His promise. Keep your eyes upon Him as He has His eyes on Mary Grace.
Peace and Love to you,
Laurie in Ca.
As we get closer and closer each day, know that I am praying for your spirit and peace of mind! I'm glad that she is doing well and you are SO looking forward to seeing your precious little girl! It's going to be a wonderful time...
Love and prayers,
What a beautiful example you are setting for your little girls...that is a tremendous blessing! Your faith shines very brightly and the One in whom you trust will not fail you. Prayers continue for you and your family.
You brightened my day and encouraged me to remind my children to rejoice for the day the Lord has given us! Prayers from OK are going up to the Father tonight for you and your family!
I watched Andrew Peterson's Behold the Lamb of God last night and when Jill Phillips and her husband, Andy Gullahorn, performed this song, your Mary Grace was all I could think of. You might find the song available to listen to on myspace. I'll look when I'm home and can access it, but I wanted to send the lyrics to you now. Hopefully, if you haven't already heard them, this will help brighten your perspective on Christmas with sweet baby Mary within you...
Labor of Love by Andrew Peterson
It was not a silent night
There was blood on the ground
You could hear a woman cry
In the alleyways that night
On the streets of David's town
And the stable was not clean
And the cobblestones were cold
And little Mary full of grace
With the tears upon her face
Had no mother's hand to hold
It was a labor of pain
It was a cold sky above
But for the girl on the ground in the dark
With every beat of her beautiful heart
It was a labor of love
Noble Joseph at her side
Callused hands and weary eyes
There were no midwives to be found
In the streets of David's town
In the middle of the night
So he held her and he prayed
Shafts of moonlight on his face
But the baby in her womb
He was the maker of the moon
He was the Author of the faith
That could make the mountains move
It was a labor of pain
It was a cold sky above
But for the girl on the ground in the dark
With every beat of her beautiful heart
It was a labor of love
For little Mary full of grace
With the tears upon her face
It was a labor of love
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